This November, Rittal will be running its next series of accredited seminars designed to support industry professionals in their Continuing Professional Development (CPD). 

The success of the company’s CPD programme, which launched last year, has prompted it to be expanded to cover two new topics about enclosures. 

Topics explored within the programme now include: the relocation of data centres, their energy efficiency, the application of IEC 61439, enclosure equipment protection and energy efficient cooling.

The seminars have all been reviewed and assessed by the Chartered Institute of Building Engineers (CIBSE), to ensure the technical content is of a high standard. All attendees receive a certificate as evidence of their participation.

The seminars are free of charge and include short informative presentations and a workshop: 

New for this year – Energy Efficient Cooling

What it covers:  

An overview of the importance of the adequate provision of appropriate cooling when specifying enclosures.   Thermal performance, more than any other element, will form the base line for the design of any enclosure. The seminars cover the need for enclosure cooling; the cost of ignoring overheating; tell-tale signs that an existing enclosure is too hot; methods to establish the enclosure internal temperature; cooling solutions for particular environments; impact of incorrect installation and ser service and maintenance.

Aimed at: mechanical engineers, facilities managers, estates managers, electrical engineers and IT managers.

New for this year – Enclosures Equipment Protection

What it covers:

The considerations needed to ensure the correct and safe specification of industrial enclosures.  Providing the right environment for the equipment being installed will deliver the best solution, safety and reliability and the seminar covers an array of topics including what is an enclosure; equipment protection; IP and IK ratings and the effects of modification; security; noise levels; maintenance etc.

Aimed at:  mechanical engineers, facilities managers, estates managers, electrical engineers and IT managers.

The remainder of the seminars will reflect last year’s successful series and include:

•    Building a Data Centre in the Perfect Storm
•    An Introduction to the Application of IEC 61439
•    Date Centre Energy Efficiency

For further information about all the seminars in Rittal’s CPD programme email or call 01709 704000.